
Iznik You know Alexander the Great, who lived before Christ but still lives with his legend. After the death of this Macedonian king, one of his commanders, Antigones, built this small city next to Askania, which he named after himself. However, when he lost the war with his rival Lysimachus, it was erased along with…

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Fatih Mosque

Fatih Mosque Mehmed the Conqueror seems to have chosen the location of the Twelve Apostles (Hagioi Apostoloi) Church, which was highly valued by Byzantium, in the middle of the city for these mosques and complex buildings built in his name. This election, apart from showing that a new belief was dominant here, also left the…

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Top 5 Most Beautiful Bridges in Istanbul

Tourists never tire of seeing images of bridges over the Bosphorus (Boğaz in Turkish) Straits and the Golden Horn (called Haliç in Turkish) estuary in the metropolitan city of Istanbul. It’s a popular image portrayed in photographs, especially of the romanticized image of the Galata bridge or the breathtaking images of the modern bridges. With the expansion of Istanbul becoming…

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